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UW1/UW2 Request: Rebind keys
Ultima Underworld using WASD and mouse-look is amazing! I would love it even more if we can choose the keys for jumping, fighting, and everything else. Also some keys call external programs, for example ctrl+alt+m (shortcut for m-rune) activates virtualmidisynth's interface, but maybe that can be disabled in dosbox. I don't know what's causing it, but sometimes the game crashes.
To change keys, if you're running in DOSBox, please use the DOSBox keymapper interface. The Underworld engine uses a combination of methods to read and interpret key presses, and it would be a large undertaking to make the keys generally reconfigurable at run-time. If the DOSBox keymapper is not an option, it is possible to edit the sources to use different keys and then build and apply a customized version of the patch.
Is the virtualmidisynth thing a problem for you? Probably it can be disabled in DOSBox config or the key can be changed with the keymapper interface. Personally, I used either MPU-401 output or FM emulation when playing games in DOSBox, so I'm not familiar with it.
If the game is crashing, please file a separate issue with as much detail as you can figure out about when and where and how and in what circumstances it occurs.
If you would take it upon yourself to look up the hex-adresses for all keys you have defined, I could try to come up with some sort of configuration script to modify existing exe files. Just an offer ... I know fully well that I like to do things the wrong way ;-)
Hi John, it seems that your assigned keys somehow override the DOSBOX keymapper? Not sure how that happens but you can try it yourself and you'll see. Example: If I assign "E" to reproduce the "X" functionality (Walk forward slowly), pressing E makes me walk forward but still activates the "use object in 3D view" shortcut you assigned. Is there any way I can rebind your shortcuts?
I'm guessing that you didn't remove the (default) mapping of E to E, in that case.
More info here: https://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Mapper
Yes you are right, thank you. All works well now. Thank you for this great hack, I can finally play this game.
If you would take it upon yourself to look up the hex-adresses for all keys you have defined, I could try to come up with some sort of configuration script to modify existing exe files. Just an offer ... I know fully well that I like to do things the wrong way ;-)
Would certainly come in handy! +1