Hi @dtslvr, I suppose you are referring to refactoring code that explicitly verifies permission in the controllers, with the usage of the guard / decorator. Yes, sure... I thought before...
good morning @dtslvr Before starting, wanted your feedback on the below: 1 - I plan to register HasPermissionGuard globally (it won't impact any handlers that don't specifically request a specific...
thanks for quick @dtslvr (points 2,3) I agree about positioning of decorators, will do as you suggest. (point 4) yes .... I wasn't clear in my initial message, but I...
@dtslvr just heads up that I will be absent for next 10 days due to medical reasons, and won't manage to work on this, but the permiter is clear, and...
Hi @dtslvr I am back, and will be looking at this over the weekend
first stage of refactoring controllers to make use of @HasPermission() decorator Merged [#2771](https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/pull/2771) Still pending to do: * extending the Guard / Decorator to handle multiple permissions, to allow us...
Hello, let me add my 2 cents here... I think the confusion is arising due to user discussing profit / loss reporting in one 'reporting currency' preferred for the client...
@dtslvr you can assign it to me, and I will dig into this right after we close the p/r on permissions
@dtslvr I suspect, updating the .eslintrc.json file to use ` "extends": ["plugin:storybook/recommended"]` instead of ` "extends": [null, "plugin:storybook/recommended"]` would likely resolve the` .eslintrc.json is invalid error` but the linting itself...
Yes, sure, I return in a few days, and will have a look - B wishes for end of year holidays ;-) On Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 09:53, Thomas...