Does this PolymerElement still supported by Angular2.0? Why did I met this error: > ERROR in Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Calling function > 'PolymerElement', function calls are not...
@BorntraegerMarc Thank you! But still don't know why...
谢谢支持,还会搞的 ^_^
@MRuAyAN Please refer to the intro - [How to get the sample dataset](https://github.com/suriyadeepan/datasets)
global step 91800 learning rate 0.3413 step-time 2.43 perplexity 2.65
Python 和 TF 都是比较旧的版本
@albertyou2 请参考这里的脚本: https://github.com/suriyadeepan/datasets/tree/master/seq2seq/cornell_movie_corpus/scripts