```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import { Ref, ref, watchEffect } from "vue" const count = ref(0) /** * Implement the until function */ function until(initial:Ref) { function toBe(value:number) {...
```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import { ref ,DirectiveBinding, watchEffect} from "vue" /** * Implement the custom directive * Make sure the list item text color changes to red when...
```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import {DirectiveBinding} from 'vue' /** * Implement the custom directive * Make sure the `onClick` method only gets triggered once when clicked many times quickly...
```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import { ref } from "vue" const count = ref(0) setInterval(() => { count.value++ }, 1000) //方式1 Make it never change: {{ count }} //方式2...
```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import { DirectiveBinding, ref,vModelText } from 'vue' const value = ref("") vModelText.beforeUpdate=(el:any,binding:DirectiveBinding)=>{ if(!el.value) return if(!binding.modifiers.capitalize) return const value=el.value el.value = value.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+value.slice(1) } `
```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import { watch,ref,customRef } from "vue" /** * Implement the function */ function useDebouncedRef(value, delay = 200) { const val= customRef((track,trigger)=>{ let timer=ref() return {...
```vue // 你的答案 ``` 1.父组件中 ` import { ref, provide } from "vue" import proSymbol from './symbol' import Child from "./Child.vue" const count = ref(1) provide(proSymbol, count) setInterval(() => {...
```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import { ref, watch } from "vue" const count = ref(0) /** * Challenge 1: Watch once * Make sure the watch callback only triggers...
```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import { reactive,toRef,toRefs } from "vue" function useCount() { const state = reactive({ count: 0, }) function update(value: number) { state.count = value } return...
` ```vue // 你的答案 ``` ` import { ref, Ref, reactive, isRef, toValue, unref,toRef } from "vue" const initial = ref(10) const count = ref(0) // Challenge 1: Update ref...