Thank you @aaronclong for your proposal! I agree very much that it is hard sometimes to make bundlers perform as intended, and that it may be even less cumbersome to...
I am thinking of pre-processing the WASM file in the build process of `zbar-wasm`, converting it to a JS file that can be bundled without further ado. This would replace...
As the current version of barcode-detector-polyfill depends on zbar-wasm 0.9.15 there is nothing wrong with the documentation as it is. But I do agree that barcode-detector-polyfill should be updated to...
@iBobik My apologies for the lack of progress in this matter, but I am rather occupied by my bread-and-butter job right now (which I did not expect earlier). I hope...
As a side note, Webpack 4 + file-loader 6.2.0 handle `zbar.wasm` as they should now, so maybe the `zbar.wasm.bin` workaround is no longer necessary. This would also remove the necessity...
@samsam2310 Please take a look at the `zbar.js` generated by emcc (needs to be de-minified first). It can load `zbar.wasm` properly in browsers (`XMLHttpRequest`), in Node (using `fs` and `path`)...
@aaronclong Does [this commit](https://github.com/undecaf/zbar-wasm/commit/2a7a0e68b779150540de7ef4e2fe73b8f80b31d4) happen to solve your issue?
@ToshY Although this may come too late: I had similar requirements and ended up writing my own script. It can be found here: [https://github.com/undecaf/hetzner-snap-and-rotate](https://github.com/undecaf/hetzner-snap-and-rotate) Maybe it can help!