
Results 6 comments of unclemusclez

Is there an easy way to generate a dummy set of "SteamFriends/GetSteamFriends" data within the editor, and if not, would you consider adding it to the plugin? I am trying...

i used download.sh and the key they provide. that was the error i got. I would like to be able to convert for the future reference. Tried this on 3...

``` Model name: Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct Target float type: q40 Target file: dllama_meta-llama-3-8b-instruct_q40.bin ``` I assumed this script would work for all of the LLama3 models, but it does not. Any chance...

Yes. The script DOES NOT work with Instruct Models or CodeLLama Models. However, It DOES WORK for 8B, non-instruct, non-code models.

i am downloading models directly from the meta repository. In order to download these models, you need a key mailed to you. I run the download.sh script as provided. when...

i'll try this maybe i downloaded something wrong