Jörg Eichhorn
Jörg Eichhorn
Did you experience any negative influence upon setting the undef?
@rainberd, @SlevinSkrreeek have you tried 2.1.1? Is it fixed there?
The current bugfix-2.1.x ([aaf34fa](https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/commit/aaf34fa96bf3da9cf7c95a41ccb7e5bc441dbd20)) seems to work for me too. Hope the next released version will stay the same
Hi, mir hat [diese](https://github.com/rdmtc/RedMatic/wiki/Zus%C3%A4tzliche-Wettericons-f%C3%BCr-UI-Dashboard-in-Redmatic-verf%C3%BCgbar-machen) Anleitung aus dem Wiki bei der Einbindung der Icons geholfen und funktioniert. Gruß Jörg
The filament type selection is available with advanced loading via the menu - I used this and specified the material correctly, so the MMU/MK4 knew the type but still showed...
Is there any update from Prusa side?
I am having the same issue with 4.7.1 firmware - goes to park position, unloads and shows confirm screen (selected "yes") but still shows to clear the path
Made a test with colorchange today and there the filament change worked - don't know what the difference between both cases (color change filament runout) internally is
@bolsoncerrado are you on alpha3 now or still on 4.6.1?
Firmware 4.7.2 got released. Has anyone already tested, if it is fixed? Release note does not mention anything related.