
Results 18 comments of Unbit

If you mean as CGI, just check the CGI plugin documentation. If you want to embed, the default build profile automatically includes the "symcall" plugin: ``` #include int myhandler(struct wsgi_request...

In my company we heavily use it with C apps (we basically abstracted all of the web layers so we can focus on heavy logic). The vast majority of the...

The --exec trick is safer (and faster) than manually calling network setup: https://github.com/unbit/vpn-ws#the---exec-trick For your specific setup (network anonimizer) you need the following steps: - assign the ip address to...

hi @jonassmedegaard do you know of any company using it ? if someone is using it in production systems maybe we can ask for a sponsorship

@jonassmedegaard not a problem, by the way, i do not know of anyone using the v8 plugin so unless @xrmx has some objection i think we can start deprecating it.

Hi @melinath feel free to make a pull request, none of the major docs contributors is a native english speaker, so some "strength" in wording could be totally wrong. (or...

Have you checked if some kind of traffic reached the vpn-ws daemon when behind apache ?

is not better to invert the options ? (i mean commenting proxy_pass)

How do you re-spawn the mongo-monitoring thread after the master calls fork() ? from your description it looks like you ae expecting a thread to be inherited after fork

unless i am missing something this is not going to work, for python the "inherited" thread is running albeit for the kernel it is not a task so it will...