Similar situation like @imaluschi's in my case. Have 3 Sensors, two of whitch are SDS011,BME280,DNMS one without DNMS. One Sensor runs very stable (esp8266-586719). Following sensor (esp8266-7876127) goes south at...
Missing BOM / Clarification for Capacitors needed (Rastermass (RM) value and specific model numbers)
OK, I'm on it. I'll create a txt tab delimited BOM and create a pull request.
Missing BOM / Clarification for Capacitors needed (Rastermass (RM) value and specific model numbers)
Pull request created ( Please check if nothing is missing or wrong.
@ecocurious Kitspace habe ich mehr zufällig entdeckt; bin nicht der Betreiber. Die Gedanken zur Standardisierung kann ich nachvollziehen. Das führt irgendwann zu einer Abwägungsfrage, wie weit man citizen science, laiengerechte...