Hi, I am running PeptideShaker with the following command: java -Xmx96G -cp PeptideShaker-2.0.33/PeptideShaker-2.0.33.jar eu.isas.peptideshaker.cmd.PeptideShakerCLI\ -reference "Reference_name"\ -identification_files ""\ -zip "" -out "PeptideShaker.psdb"\ java -Xmx96G -cp PeptideShaker-2.0.33/PeptideShaker-2.0.33.jar eu.isas.peptideshaker.cmd.ReportCLI\ -in ""\ -out_reports...
Hello, I want to use local FDR instead of global FDR to generate reports. Because the project file is too big, I cannot change from the validation tab in the...
Dear community, I have 4 lane files for each sample. I want to run Alevin on these samples. Alevin runs without any error, but the mapping rate is too low...
Dear community, I plot fragment counts using RegionHeatmap. This is my code and the output is attached: RM