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Modularly import plugin for babel.

Results 111 babel-plugin-import issues
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would be nice for legal to have the license text and your copyright listed in one place

This is working fine on local. Here my craco config: ```const { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } = require("webpack-bundle-analyzer"); const WebpackBar = require("webpackbar"); const CracoAntDesignPlugin = require("craco-antd"); const path = require("path"); // Don't...

create antd.js with ``` import { Input } from 'antd'; export { Input } ``` cause error Module parse failed: Export 'Input' is not defined You may need an appropriate...

使用yalc开发组件库更新代码后(会执行yalc publish --push --no-scripts --changed --replace),自己开发的工程不能随时更新,去掉babel-plugin-import 可以更新

如图,我自定义的样式放在一个通用的文件里面,card组件在子组件中被引用,编译后自定义通用样式在前面,不能覆盖原有样式 ![image](

In my React Native project, I tried to import **rxjs** with this plugin. Here's my `babel.config.js` ```js [ 'import', { libraryName: "rxjs", camel2DashComponentName: false, customName: (name, file) => { if...

I have a problem with babel-plugin-import. I want to use react-pdf-to-image package in my React.js project, I want to transform pdf to jpg so I added this package in my...

引入antd的ConfigProvider破坏了babel转换core-js的polyfill顺序,导致polyfill失败 ``` import 'core-js/stable';//第一行polyfill ``` 本来应该在最上面,这个插件把antd的引用提前到了polyfill前面。

```js import 'babel-polyfill'; import { DatePicker } from 'ant-design-vue'; ``` 编译后: // 伪代码,仅展示顺序 ```js import DatePicker from 'ant-design-vue....' import xxx from 'core-js/xxx'; import 'polyfill'; ``` core.js 应该在文件的最顶部。配置了按需加载的组件总是出现在最顶部。 详细: 源代码: ```js...