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Modularly import plugin for babel.

Results 111 babel-plugin-import issues
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## env node: v8.9.0 OS: macOS 10.13.4 babel-plugin-import: v1.9.0 ## Bug report Webpack report this error when run build. ``` /Users/balbal/balbalCode/p/node_modules/webpack-cli/bin/webpack.js:243 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault' at...

Assume ComponentA has a dependence ComponentB, when we `import { ComponentA } from 'lib'` with this plugin; We only import the css of ComponentA, the css of ComponentB won't be...

运行 > yarn run build 使用**getComponen**t加载的路由组件内的antd组件css**不会被打包**。但在index.js中import的组件的antd的css会正常打包

How to configure antd and antd-mobile in plugin at the same time ?

rollup + antd + react 打包后 js文件在浏览器打开报错: ``` var history = shape({ listen: func$1.isRequired, push: func$1.isRequired, replace: func$1.isRequired, go: func$1.isRequired, goBack: func$1.isRequired, goForward: func$1.isRequired }); about.js:17033 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign...

正如文档里描述的 ```javascript import { Button } from 'antd'; ReactDOM.render(xxxx); ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ var _button = require('antd/lib/button'); require('antd/lib/button/style/css'); ReactDOM.render(xxxx); ``` `import` 引入的内容如(`Button`)经过转换后会变成`_button`,后面代码中相关变量`Button`也要去修改为`_button`,还要考虑到作用域到问题,为什么不还是用原名程呢,仅仅改变引入的路径,就像这样 ```javascript import { Button } from...

import { Select } from 'antd' class MySelect extends Select { ... } Select 没有被webpack正确编译,依然是"Select" 配置如下: loader: 'babel-loader', options: { presets: [ [ '@babel/preset-env', { debug: false, modules: false, useBuiltIns:...

Hi, trying to use with "babel 7.0.0-beta.40" but plugin does not seem to work. Is there any known issues or workarounds? Don't have a unit test, I'm testing with `antd`...

我发现了一个神奇的bug ``` ERROR in ./src/js/svgRenderCore/method/handleScore/sourceToRenderData.js Module build failed: TypeError: /Users/star/code/subvertingMusic/src/js/svgRenderCore/method/handleScore/sourceToRenderData.js: Cannot read property 'file' of undefined at Plugin.buildExpressionHandler (/Users/star/code/subvertingMusic/node_modules/babel-plugin-import/lib/Plugin.js:50:26) at Plugin.ExpressionStatement (/Users/star/code/subvertingMusic/node_modules/babel-plugin-import/lib/Plugin.js:202:14) at applyInstance (/Users/star/code/subvertingMusic/node_modules/babel-plugin-import/lib/index.js:27:26) at PluginPass.ret.visitor.(anonymous function) (/Users/star/code/subvertingMusic/node_modules/babel-plugin-import/lib/index.js:86:9) at...

use this plugin the file is more the size is biger. one normal page. If i use CDN and set externals. the size (compressed) about 60kb-70kb. use this plugin ,...