Where are we with this issue. Any plans for support . Most of enterprise uses LDAP based URLs.
What do you mean by existing blocking API call. The connection initialization would be one time . If you could guide me to the right classes; i would like to...
On the getAttributes(..) i read the spec from Oracle and i believe you are right . I think the changes to the adapter and option should do it but we...
One more thing as per the r2dbc spec we have a protocol option which we could use in this case . So we would not have to add anything in...
Yes that would be the best . Sure would wait for your message and then we could start.
This looks ok to me.l and the implementation would be on the url base correct not giving options.I am saying this because connection is one part to it but then...
@Michael-A-McMahon where are we on this did you get any time to work on this . Kindly let me know if i can help anywhere .
Which branch should i clone to test it .
I pulled the code and was compiling to create a jar but the tests fail `Running oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleRowMetadataImplTest resource not found. Check if it exists under src/test/resources/ ` I...
I have tried that but would skip the tests now