
Results 41 comments of ultrasecr.eth

@djole103 I'm putting together a Mockito wrapper that will solve (ideally all) those issues, but in the meantime, is there any reason the prevents you to use newer versions of...

@djole103 I just tried this code ``` object MyClass extends App { import org.mockito.Mockito._ trait MyTrait { val DefaultString = "myDefaultString" val DefaultInt = 42 } val mt = mock(classOf[MyTrait])...

@ThibaultUrien you are correct, if what you store in the `val` is a function (or any other object with behaviuor), and said object also needs to be mocked for whatever...

> Hi @bbonanno, I used the same dependencies that you mentioned here with no result. My IDE solves neither the keywords "returns" nor "shouldReturn" for Scala 2.12 . How can...

I think this also needs the ability to link the same library to different addresses on a per chain basis This would be also great for fork testing, as you...

Another feature I'd like a lot, but probably needs to be done in foundry, is the ability to capture values and/or do better assertions on verify. Right now, the only...

@cleanunicorn the partial mocking is also possible with the standard mockCall, that's not an issue. For the capturing, looking at the logs is what I do now, but is not...

Yeah, now I realised my example is a bit shit, but you totally nailed it, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Having a look at the code and looks cool,...

Nice, I didn't know Solidity had higher order functions! I like this API, the downside is that you'd need all the permutations of input/output param types, so not sure how...

> Does it make sense to add a `vm.mockCallForward` cheatcode that lets you forward the call to a function in the local test class so that mocks can have some...