Sarah Allen

Results 46 issues of Sarah Allen

the last post to [gitter channel]( is from 2017. Most of the content referenced in these guidelines seems to originate with [Rust RFCs]( which references * [official Discord server]( *...

as I went through making the tests pass, I thought up some alternate messages that sound a bit more like koans. Inspired by: further musings:

Since the koans are usually for engineers who are new to the language, I thought it would be nice to introduce the `go get` command, which took me a little...

I attempted to connect to an ip camera using the default RTSP version (`RTSP/2.0`); however, it seems that the camera only supports `RTSP/1.0`. In this case, the client prints: ```...

E-Medium seems to be actively worked on and hyper::uri also seems to be used in some networking code samples I've seen. The [sgodwincs/uriparse-rs]( [README]( says "The goal of this crate...


Attempting to run this locally, would be nice to document what version of python you are using. Here's what worked for me: ``` $ python --version Python 3.7.3 $ pip...

seems odd to include in the samples, maybe it should use a gh-pages page related to this rep?

Installing on MacOSX Yosemite (10.10.5) `go-thrust install` ``` DEPRECATED Action signature. Must be `cli.ActionFunc`. This is an error in the application. Please contact the distributor of this application if this...

*Description*: we want to surface the work that the group has done over the past 1.5 years and create a maintainable structure, so as we add more to the repo,...


In preparation for the workshop at [Tenderloin Tech Lab]( on Saturday, I'd like to create a curriculum track that illustrates how to get started in that environment. I took a...