Here's the full spec: https://www.netbeheernederland.nl/_upload/Files/Slimme_meter_15_a727fce1f1.pdf Key differences are an electricity update frequency of 1s (was 10s) and a gas update frequency of 300s (was 1h). There may be other differences.
Hi nrocco, I have not yet received my new meter (may take a few more months due to shortages). Because there was no solution from your end, I decided to...
I solved this in the following way: Create a new function getDevParams. This function sets various rendering parameters: device name, legend sort order and line color: // set key parameters...
On Point 3: I realize this is going to be tricky; at the same time as you can see from #23, meeting this requirement will significantly enhance usability in cases...
I'm in the process of porting my extensions to the latest release. It seems to me that the settings construct that is now in place, will serve as a suitable...
I started using W1Thermsensor when my temperature logger developed a hardware problem and I needed test and error handling features not present in measure-ds18b20.py. I replaced measure-ds18b20.py with my own...
Fixed the link! It's the same example as yours.
I did the update as suggested with the following changes: 1. I had to remove any reference to degrees Fahrenheit from the database upgrade code as my production database doesn't...
The time reported is valid under the following conditions: 1. I set the amount of data to be loaded in the preferences file to 30 days [currently I have 14...
Additional note: timing the performance is tricky. Loading one or 2 weeks data took less than a second the second time. It seems that there's a bit of caching going...