Ulrich Thiel
Ulrich Thiel
Wise decision, thanks! I haven't seen this part in the documentation, just deduced from the amount of functions that you seem to go for is*.
What are you doing about ```hasfunction```? Is it going to be ```has_function``` as well? (Somehow, even though I find the ```is_``` stuff better, it'll be weird to deviate from Julia...
As someone who may have initiated the discussion: I'm happy with ZZ and QQ only (but these should exist for convenience). I just thought that when it was decided there's...
I absolutely agree with (the first part of) https://github.com/Nemocas/AbstractAlgebra.jl/issues/158#issuecomment-429669467 and think no message should be displayed at all.
As someone who's trying to write a package using Oscar which implements the creation of an Oscar matrix group from data of a different package (in this case Gapjm): is...
In the ECO database of SCID the line 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 is called "Italian Game" and 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 is called "Giuoco Piano" (which further...
Thanks, @fingolfin. I had a discussion with @fieker: the function quantum_integer(n) may be problematic as is minimal_polynomial without passing the ring. He also suggested to implement a structure for quantum...
> Just wanted to say that I was in need of quantum binomial coefficients today and the changes here would have come in handy. Will do the update in the...
> @ulthiel any news on this? @FabianMaeurer will take this up.
If Claus would not have asked this question on Slack, this would have been finished already... :-) I could offer to finish as planned by myself originally, i.e. ignoring Claus...