
Results 9 comments of ulrischa

Sadly this is still an issue. Would love to use this plugin and be able to use the api

Ok i will try it with the latest from this repo

I get this error curl -u "jsonrpc:TOKENHERE" -d "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"createTaskMeta\", \"id\": 99999, \"params\": { \"project_id\": 1, \"owner_id\": 1,\"title\": \"Test\", \"column_id\": 2}}" http://localhost/kanboard/jsonrpc.php Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Kanboard\Plugin\MetaMagik\Api\Procedure\ProjectAuthorization"...

I installed fresh kanboard and new metaMagic folder with all files from master branch here

I will try it tonight or tomorrow

Cool! Thank you very much

Just tested it: Still not possible to create tasks when MetaMagic is installed. I loaded ZIP here from GitHub. Runtime: Version: 1.2.26 PHP Version: 8.1.10 PHP SAPI: apache2handler HTTP-Client: cURL...

Oh no I used createTask. Thanks

I find this also important. Users do not know what metamagic is and are confused. Should be possible to rename heading at least