Ulrich Block
Ulrich Block
For HL1 based games there is no compression meaning the process tries to upload from the game folder directly. For HL2 based, there is a bz2 compression and uploading up...
I cannot help you and even less give a solution unless you start to debug and stop "its not working". With the given information it is impossible to help.
> In any case the files should be uploaded to a ftp server that addresses a web space. Here many things can go wrong, like the server accepts, but throws...
ofc. but still no info, that would allow me to help. stuff/config.php > $debug = 1; Start the sync, copy the shell script from the debug output and check if...
Zum Ersten: Ein recheck per entry on catch error würde das Problem wohl lösen. Ist unschön, aber man ist ja von GameQ abhängig. Zum Zweiten: Ein Ping ist in der...