Ulli Holtgrave
Ulli Holtgrave
Yeah, I think that this is a good idea :+1: However, I would then move the field within the form. Right now it's pretty present next to the title and...
@timoludwig and @svenseeberg This could become relevant for the Coldaid-Project. @JoeyStk I also contacted the App-Team if this requirements are still up to date
I moved it to the next milestone as our current implementation will be productive within this month and we should evaluate how the feature is used.
I guess the critical issues are the categories (done), the thumbnail and the opening hours. We already create thumbnails (150x150) for each uploaded image that can be accessed via the...
> Hmm. If I'm not completely mistaken the thumbnails sent via the locations endpoint are all of size 300x300. Check out yourself: `curl -X "GET" "https://cms-test.integreat-app.de/testumgebung/de/wp-json/extensions/v3/locations?on_map=1" -iL`. But maybe I'm...
Thanks for the PR :+1: In general I like the idea about adding this to our project, but there is always some conflict between design and this conventions (e.g. text...
I agree with Sven, a validation is surely a nice thing to have, but the wordpress doesn't have it. Therefore I suggest to postpone it to Version 2.0 and add...
As a first approach we could deactivate the form buttons after they got clicked. That won't really hurt and we can eliminate this possible source for the problem.
However, this is probably the same problem that created the two Landshuts yesterday. As this error always requires some manual cleanup I would prioritize it rather high.
I guess that the new pixel-sizing can be introduced in a new tutorial for the page editor, but we should introduce some new images sizes that we can deliver images...