Uli Kusterer

Results 90 issues of Uli Kusterer

A few minimal fixes needed to make this build & generally work on 10.12.

A lot of shared information was traditionally kept in globals in HyperTalk. In modern languages, there are many smaller scopes that you can use to avoid namespace collisions between different...

In #30 we mention iPhoto-like bubbles that show suggestions from the IDE (to allow for more exploratory coding without having to read manuals etc.). These could also be used for...

feature request

We used to (until 2020-05-30) have a window that let you select from several template projects to create when you chose "New Project". This was deleted because Apple broke NSCollectionView's...

feature request

We want an English-like syntax. Best I could come up with is ```applescript take |nothing then -- commands go here end take ``` and ```applescript take |nothing then -- single...

feature request

Like the "go" command pauses script execution to wait for a download and then resumes it afterwards, make the `download` command work the same way, and maybe even change it...


pause caller [until end of handler] -- until is like defer, call pause again to dequeue the defer resume caller

It's probably OK to do this when we make a native call for the first time. That way, a stack can say "feature X needs native code, anyone else you...

feature request
good first issue

Whatever I can think of to fill out HTML templates. But a general ``` "foo" with X replaced by Y ``` or similar syntax would be great. Also HTML entity...

feature request
good first issue

We already have ForgeDebugger for macOS, which is a GUI that uses sockets to communicate with an executing script. Forge's Windows version currently contains a remote debugger that is just...

good first issue