Results 4 issues of Yulong Zhang

Could you tell me hou to solve it ?

加载模型和敏感度文件,进行可视化时,使用提供的 python,报错 module 'paddlex' has no attribute 'slim'

使用pdx.det.YOLOv3训练时出错,不是出现报错,而是训练日志的打印出现乱码,且预测的准确率为0。训练代码如下: import paddlex as pdx import os #os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1,2,3' # 同时使用第0、1号GPU卡进行训练 #export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 from paddlex import transforms as T train_transforms = T.Compose([ T.MixupImage(mixup_epoch=250), T.RandomDistort(), T.RandomExpand(im_padding_value=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53]), T.RandomCrop(), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(),...

**Description:** After navigating to the `src` directory as instructed, I tried to run the following command: ```bash ./go-media-webtransport-server ``` However, the `go-media-webtransport-server` file is missing. I could not find this...