somebody left a debug print in gui.py [remi-remove-print.patch.gz](https://github.com/dddomodossola/remi/files/6137179/remi-remove-print.patch.gz)
Hi I created a model with opcua-modeler and load it with my own code: ``async def main(): # setup our server server = Server() await server.init() await server.import_xml("handler-modell2.xml") await server.load_enums()...
Hi coburnw I am still using your code and i collected some misc updates and additions from my tree to pull. Highlights: * fixed SRQ support, now it fully works...
Hi Coburn I've just fallen over an incorrect usage of class variables in my own code and I remembered that there is something in python-vxi1-server, too. Example in our code:...
logging.StreamHandler inherits from logging.Handler but does not call super().__init__() so it misses to initialize level and formatter instance variables by the way, logging.Handler should initialize formatter to a working formatter,...