Dave R
Dave R
@scanum @JoanneHendrickson Is there any progress on this as it has been two years since it was raised? Although the spmt documentation in [https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/issues/2226#issuecomment-815038705](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/OfficeDocs-SharePoint/issues/2226#issuecomment-815038705) was useful it still does not...
Self contained, although fixes the issue here, generates a big maintenance headache for enterprises that have legal obligations around patching and maintenance on devices. If we are patching system wide...
> so this update is a HUGE improvement for anyone that don't have ultra strict requirement on ui desktop that use powertoy in these context > > one solution would...
Will there still be the option of a per machine install? As @TOKN2 mentioned, when doing controlled deployments especially in enterprises you want the software installed across the device and...
The question i would be asking is why do you want to forceablely close the applications? If your goal is to patch your system then getting the files to be...