Ujesh Lal

Results 4 comments of Ujesh Lal

Totally agree with @laloch, Stoploss is not required if it is evaluated once per hour for an hourly candle. Is there any way to tweak the existing code to make...

Thanks Beep, this is an awesome framework.. great work So if I want to trade only single pair say BUSD-rUSD. Can I change the base pair(BNB) token address to BUSD...

Thanks for the info @beeb, I got your point. Since we are using `swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens` method it will always swap to BNB. Let me do some research and try changing it...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11648010/136248814-0435a3a9-ce41-4f18-8538-2ef132217390.png) Made the bot to sell on BUSD-rUSD pair, buying needs more code change though as buying uses balance of BNB directly for calculations. Thanks for the pointers @beeb