I think I found the reason for the strange behaviour, and also the reason why the servername of the resoure in Windows Explorer Network Neighborhood is wrong (servername + "Dokan2)....
Hi Liryna, I'm gonna setup a build environment, fix the issue and see, if this also solves some other problems we have with the Network Provider. When I'm done, I'll...
Hi @Liryna, I could solve the problem: "Windows Explorer Network Neighborhood is wrong (servername + Dokan2)", but the other problem (complete UNC instead of share name only) still persists. Unfortunately,...
Changes are quite minimal: ``` cbEntry += (2 + ulServerName) * sizeof(WCHAR); /* \\ + the server name */ --> cbEntry += (2 + ulServerName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); /*...
Exactly the same error, here. Used current OVA. Any ideas ?