Ulrich Hinze
Ulrich Hinze
I'm new to this library and trying to model my data in line with https://www.alexdebrie.com/posts/dynamodb-one-to-many/. I describe my user ("main" entity) like this: ``` export const UserEntity = new Entity({...
Starting to dig into DynamoDB at the moment and I came across this library. For someone new to DDB modeling, it isn't trivial to understand the "single table" concept. The...
Docker has a global `--config` flag documented here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/cli/ Through this, you can define the location of `config.json`. `docker-credential-gcr configure-docker` currently always generates the config file in `~/.docker`. It would...
Thanks first of all for this great app! I‘m having an issue when storing multiple tokens for AWS root accounts on my iPhone SE. Basically I cannot differ the two...
Hi! The [docs](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/terraform-provider-openstack/openstack/latest/docs/resources/vpnaas_ipsec_policy_v2#pfs) state that for the pfs parameter, valid values are "Group5", "Group14" etc. When using these values, Openstack will default to "group5", because all these groups should be...
Hi @nathanpeck, Great repo, thanks a lot for this! For debugging when things don't work (or just running anything in general), it's IMO always worth adding CloudWatch logging, as you...
Thank you for this project, I'm starting with Rust and embedded programming and happy to have found this. My current issue: It doesn't seem possible to make the callback `f`...