Ugurcan Yildirim

Results 14 issues of Ugurcan Yildirim

Inside my `ViewPagerFragment`, which extends ``, while invoking `ExtrasBinder.bind(this);`, I am getting the following err: `java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:$$ExtraBinder` What can cause this problem?

Need Volunteer

It would be nice to have a LogUtil (that prints messages in a pretty way) in this library.

Feature Request
Need Volunteer

I'm getting the following err: ``` Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference at jp.wasabeef.blurry.internal.Blur.of(SourceFile:42) at jp.wasabeef.blurry.Blurry$Composer.onto(SourceFile:115) ................... ``` ...while calling the...

I'm using `LineChartView` in a custom view, and using that custom view in an item view of a `RecyclerView`. Each rv item has a different number of entries set using...

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I know it's possible to set drawable for chart points via `chart.pointsDrawableRes = R.drawable.ic_point`. However, is it possible to draw it only for some specific points, for instance only for...

Right now, labels don't support multiline. That's because `drawText(...)` used in `AxisLabels` cannot draw multiline texts. I will create a PR when I have time. Until then, you can check...

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When the `RecyclerView` is empty and I click somewhere on empty screen, I'm getting the following exception inside `onRowClicked(int position)` since callback calls this method although it should not: ```...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** We are using `PdfRendererView` in our project in production. I need to change page indicator text (see below) as our...