Yuneng Xie
Yuneng Xie
I get the same error with TemplateMatch on windows10, any solutions?
@itiszac I fix it on windows by changing the IMRead options from "IMReadUnchanged" to "IMReadAnyColor", you may try it.
Thanks for the quick response man, @roidelapluie. 1. document for the function > `consecutive_gt(v range-vector, valueThreshold scalar, countThreshold scalar)` check whether the series has no less than countThreshold consecutive points...
Hi man, @roidelapluie. I have committed the code related to - change the func name to streak - multiplex the func by using the comparison operator param document for streak:...
Hi, @beorn7 sorry that I didn't explain the background clearly. For the alert of each occurrence, yes, I think we can use the `for` clause. I encountered the issue when...
changed the meaning of the return value to the total count of all points that satisfy the condition. if the user wanna 0 or 1 to indicate the existence, can...
@beorn7 For now, the signature of streak is `streak(matrix parser.ValueTypeMatrix, comparisonOperator parser.ValueTypeString, targetValue, countThreshold parser.ValueTypeScalar) Vector` If we can apply operators on range vector, we can leave out the `comparisonOperator`...
 @beorn7 I need to know the total count of points that satisfy the condition so I know how long we are in the error state. `streak((some_metric{label="value"} > bool 10)[5m:15s],...
@beorn7 `avg_over_time((min_over_time(some_metric{label="value"}[5m]) > bool 10)[1d:15s]) * 100` I didn't fully understand this expression, especially for the `avg_over_time` and `*100`. As far as I understand it, yes, it works to a...
Our running workaround is based on sub-query, I remember it takes too long for the query to return.