Umair Ali

Results 45 comments of Umair Ali

Here is a composer.json file of a distribution I recently tried to download. ``` { "name": "apigee/devportal-kickstart-project", "description": "Composer project template for the Apigee Developer Portal Drupal distribution.", "type": "project",...

Here is the result after running composer command to download apigee distribution [composer-install-details.txt](

My problem is solved finally. I did 2 things. 1. Added C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin to my system path. 2. Used cmd as a normal user. Previously I was using it as...

@nafiesl How much would it cost if someone asks you to implement this feature?

@nafiesl Can you point me to the right direction? Just give me one example and I will do the rest myself.

@nafiesl I think you did not understand me. I want to add a url field to "Jobs". Which files I should edit? The question is just about one field.

So the currency is just for display and not actual payments?

I think it is a good project if maintained

Still no open source solution available?

+1 I think the authors are not interested anymore. Such a good project, but I guess they have their own problems.