Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq
Open the app and go to the list of entries, tap on the date and change date, restart the activity by splitting the screen, the app moves back to the...
Open the app, open a repository, mark star it and restart the activity by splitting the screen, the star is lost marked by the user on the repository.
Open the app, start to compose and select background by tapping on the file icon, restart the activity by splitting the screen, the selected background image is lost.
Version: Open the app and go to the setting screen, select custom theme, select colors and restart the activity by splitting screen, user selection is lost.
version: v0.6-beta-1 Open the app, start a video (maybe one of the demo videos in the app) and restart the activity by rotating, player pause and slider go to zero.
version: 1.4.0 Open the app, fill user information such as language, gender and age and restart the activity by rotating, user inputs are lost.
#### Steps to reproduce the behaviour 1. Open the app, tap on the search bar to search, add a query, it will show results. Restart the activity by rotating, search...
Open the app, click the Enable NFC authentication, click next and it will show an authentication success message, restart the activity by rotating, the success message is lost and the...
android-debug.apk works perfectly on Android 6.0. I compiled the project locally and app UI appears to be fine but, nothing is operational (no click is being called). Did you compile...
Is there any existing pass related to Identical Code Folding (ICF) optimization? Or is anyone working on related ideas internally at Meta or outside? I would love to hear about...