Hang Yan

Results 6 issues of Hang Yan

According to HIP programming guides, [Warp Cross Lane Functions](https://rocmdocs.amd.com/en/latest/Programming_Guides/HIP-GUIDE.html#warp-cross-lane-functions) are well supported in HIP. But I couldn't build the HIP code with some of these wrap functions e.g. `int __all(int...

### Environment - **OS:** Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS - **Vitis version:** 2022.1 - **Platform:** [xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_4_1_202210_1](https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ug1120-alveo-platforms/U250-Gen3x16-XDMA-4_1-Platform) - **TAPA version:** 0.0.20220807.1 - **Project:** [apps/vadd](https://github.com/UCLA-VAST/tapa/tree/release/apps/vadd) ### Situation When generating bitstream, we got this error...

Hi, in our experience with TAPA, the `tapa::invoke` in host side is quite time-consuming when we want to re-run a kernel multiple times - involving two unnecessary procedures: (1) re-programming...

Summary of making sw_emu work, based on the HLS hardware codes of last release https://github.com/cornell-zhang/HiSparse/commit/f35c82a8b384172a6530e8ee8010c608a4230f06: - Use `ap_axiu` for AXI-4 stream in kernel interface, and self-defined `VEC_AXIS_T` for FIFO inside...

Here is a short summary of the final report of project "Enable CUDA builds on CI". :smiley: The details are post here: [Final Report for "Enable CUDA builds on CI"](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M6oeheNOyYMi45y8mSZUQJdYz7xR5pKYNYrPrgR4RsQ/edit?usp=sharing).

Close #2545. Rewrote the existing Profiling VTR section, specifically the one using GNU `gprof` tool. Added another subsection to explain how to use the Linux `perf` tool to profile VPR...
