Ueno Katsura

Results 5 comments of Ueno Katsura

> 把"ip": "",这一行删除试试 首先, 沒有效果 其次,那個僅作用於Socks5處理UDP, 對於此場景是可有可無的

> 我自己试了一下,inbound listen是127.0.0.1 protocol socks5,outbound是freedom. IDM下载https图片。 结果是可以下载。 proxy/socks: failed to read request > read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 这一句会出现,但是不影响实际连接/下载成功。 会不会跟你监听本地ipv6地址有关?试一试监听本体ipv4的127.0.0.1? 好像有效欸,...

我個人不是很瞭解這塊 但是IDM的Socks4+[::], 瀏覽器的Socks5+[::], 采用http+IDM+[::], ss+IDM+[::] 都無此問題

I have the same problem here, the time was added 8 hours (cause I'm in GMT+8) This happened on the iOS screenshot. I tried added ```TZ="GMT+8"``` but that made no...

Also a related bug. Though mobile version can. Immich webui won't list photos "from the future".