
Results 29 comments of ueliwechsler

This at least works ```julia @system(x' = x + b, input=u) AffineContinuousSystem{Float64,IdentityMultiple{Float64},Array{Float64,1}}([1.0], [1.0]) ``` So it has to interpret `b` as input, but I am not sure where this happens...

Ah wow a really interesting "feature" of the implementation 😅 ``` julia> @capture(:(x = x + b), (x_ = f_(x_, u_))) true julia> f :+ ``` So maybe just add...

I am surprised that this case is not captured by any test. If it is not that urgent, I can try to make a PR on the weekend. - catch...

> Do you mean for this issue? Exactly. > On the other hand, there are some open issues related to the macros. I will now create a new label `macros`...

The fix works for the example. But every time I tried to fix something, I figure out that there are more corner cases that are not caught by the logic...

I agree with you. It is too much work to extent / adjust the current source code of `@system`. I think a big issue is, that we wanted to be...

Concerning your idea and the second order system, I played a bit around and it might be not too difficult to do it, if we can figure out how to...

> > (e.g. allowing for equations with * and without, > > If this is a problem I'm fine with removing that feature (or keep it but in some other...

Thank you for the explanation. My example was only considering replacing the values for one column. In the more general context of replacing values for more than one column, the...