
Results 29 comments of ueliwechsler

See [https://github.com/JuliaPolyhedra/CDDLib.jl/issues/46](url) for how we solved the issue.

This could also be done by using an implementation of the GJK algorithm #920. However, I think this would not be the most efficient way to compute the shortest distance.

I have no experience with `Cmake` and wrapping c-libraries in general, so I cannot offer direct help, but since I have a windows mache, I can try to figure out...

So I tried it again on another windows computer, the result is still the same. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12156892/78249527-cb4bc380-74ee-11ea-8750-ec250eb3f91b.png) And the `qhull` installation is here: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12156892/78249669-08b05100-74ef-11ea-8bac-2b8dac965fdc.png)

I am not sure if I understand correctly what you mean by installation directory. The `qhull` exacutable are located in `bin`, so I also tried to set the path to...

@victorsndvg thanks for the the clarificication and sorry for the late reply. The first file is at - `...\qhull-2019.1\src\libqhull_r\libqhull_r.h` From the library files, I could only find: - `....\qhull-2019.1\bin\qhull_r.dll` The...

Hi @victorsndvg , thank you for your effort and information, but it did not work. I did not do the `make install` before because I assumed it is not needed....

Other Ref: - https://modiasim.github.io/Modia3D.jl/resources/documentation/CollisionHandling_Neumayr_Otter_2017.pdf - https://github.com/ModiaSim/Modia3D.jl/tree/9edc974cb97854a7e087f7da166ab58c0fac2597

What you could do is the following: ```julia StructTypes.StructType(::Type{Matrix{N}}) where N

from #137: - [x] allow property initial_state as `state(0) ∈ set` to create `IVP`