
Results 29 issues of ueen

Whats about the registering and unregistering, why cann't the @Subscribe function be Lifecycle Aware, registering on Class creation and unregistering on destruction, would be really neat if this could be...

Some names are just to long to be displayed, could there be a cap on charaters maybe while generating the names? And if it's to long, just generate again?


Hey, I like to suggest two librarys The first one is a really awesome recyclerview adapter builder (literally the easiest I could find) https://github.com/MinSeungHyun/slush And one of my own for...

To comply with the european GDPR both buttons (accept/reject) should be the same size and color by default.

I am missing support of DIFF_CALLBACK from the ListAdapter

really like this library, is there a way this could support a collapsable FAB menu, maybe even with hide on scroll? I made this hacky demo ![ezgif-3-5ec3e434251e](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5067479/125519271-9464f9e5-6255-4b49-b3c7-0796c720060f.gif) kind of similar...

could the percantages "within row/column" be replaced with their respective labels? like `within sex` (row) `within age` (column)

First, it says to use an ImageButton to created in the XML and then casts a Button, this causes the app to crash if you follow the sample code!!

Checkout my new library for this task https://github.com/ueen/SortView/