Gavin Lambert
Gavin Lambert
Well, you do have some saved cookies. You could just generate a random hash for each player on first login and link it up if the ids match. Though this'd...
BTW, this resolves #68.
Bear in mind that most of this was written as an alternative to the auto-skip timer, back when that kept resetting games for no readily apparent reason. So it was...
Actually, wait -- I'm a derp. This doesn't resolve #68 yet; I meant it to do so but somehow left that code out. I'll fix that up shortly too, along...
I have something implemented that's kinda like that last one. I'll probably get around to isolating it and sending in a pull request one of these days. :) One problem...
The game would get unbalanced if some rounds are worth two (or twelve) points due to ties, while others are worth only one.
We're not talking about everyone winning a point, we're talking about some subset of players winning a point. And potentially some players colluding to generate ties, since they'll be able...
I've been playtesting a bit with granting no points on a tie. It's not working very well. I think it might be better to try letting a random tied player...
I have some code (last mentioned in #96) that does this, though like I said in that issue, ties are still a problem. One of these days I'll get around...
I have a partial patch for that, if I can remember to dig out my source tree one of these days. (Partial in that occasionally this still happens for some...