John-John Tedro

Results 99 issues of John-John Tedro

Related #66, rust-lang/rust#81513 The following casts are considered ["true casts" per the reference]( * `*const [T] as *const U` * `*const dyn T as *const U` Today they are implemented...

I'm not sure whether or not this is intended, but given the separation between `Level` and `LevelInner` I'll just report it anyway. If you set up a match over `Level`,...

There is an awful lot of duplicated instructions to perform stack shuffling, so the idea is that changing memory addressing mode will address that. This way we ensure that each...


This is to start sketching the work in implementing unsized conversions for `Shared` which should eventually allow us to deprecated `OwnedTuple` in favor of `Box` and `Shared`. This is (to...


The following are enumerations of missing pieces for supporting memory sandboxing. Note that this is not an exhaustive list: * [ ] The stack is not limited. So sufficiently nested...


Since #464, native modules can now be documented. Missing features: * Generating links from *full* rune paths. * Running documentation tests. This ensures that the documentation is *correct* and as...

help wanted

**Repro steps** Running anything which tries to use wgpu Vulkan, like: ``` cd examples && cargo run cube ``` The window starts and renders at least one frame, but becomes...

external: driver-bug
api: vulkan
area: wsi

Originally reported in diesel-rs/diesel#3587 and rust-lang/cargo#11948 The issue here is that diesel depends on libsqlite3-sys, which as a native dependency and declares that it links to `sqlite3`. If the crate...


Hi! Included in musli is a deterministic fuzzer, one thing it does is generate random datastructures and then tries to pipe them through a serialize / deserialize phase. I've had...

Hi! I want to use the raw API of `hashbrown` as the underlying table implementation in [Rune]( One aspect which has proven to be awkward is that the hasher I...