John-John Tedro

Results 99 issues of John-John Tedro

When following key: ```rust #[derive(Key)] enum MyKey { First, Second, Third, } ``` Is stored in a [Set]( it is currently backed by a structure like this since it's based...


I'm gathering a list of missing APIs here instead of having them in multiple separate issues. * [x] `FromIterator`, `IntoIterator` (#9) (added in #9). * [x] `Map::contains_key` / `Set::contains` (#10)...


Disabling the `std` feature causes `extern crate alloc` to be used, which in turn requires any downstream `#[no_std]` users to define a global allocator with a message like this: ```...

With the following configuration: ``` yaml :output: - :type: "riemann" :host: "" ``` You get the following on stderr: ``` /opt/rbenv/ffwd-all/versions/2.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/eventmachine-1.0.3/lib/eventmachine.rb:664:in `connect_server': unable to resolve server address (EventMachine::ConnectionError) from /opt/rbenv/ffwd-all/versions/2.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/eventmachine-1.0.3/lib/eventmachine.rb:664:in...


[Parables]( is a project started to attempt and improve the experience in writing soldity tests in Rust against parity. In order to accomplish what we wanted, we ended up having...

I've updated bitcode, and if you try and build the musli test suite right now like this: ``` cargo build -p tests --no-default-features --features no-rt,std,alloc,bitcode-derive ``` You get the following...

This allows the `System` allocator to be statically re-used.

This is intended to improve support for Option #4 in this blog post. The idea here is to have two parallel data models, and the ability to automatically convert between...
