audio icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
audio copied to clipboard

A crate for working with audio in Rust

Results 18 audio issues
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This crate looks nice, but it seems to be missing a way to iterate over the frames of a buffer, only the samples within one channel at a time. Sometimes...


``` audio on  main via 🦀 v1.58.0 ❯ cargo build Updating index Updating git repository `` Updating git submodule `` Updating git repository `` error: no matching package...

I frequently get questions about how to use my [resampling library]( to resample audio data that is in integer format, often `i16` but it varies. My resampler (as most other...


on top of #13 because I'm tired of rebasing


Vet the API against (forks) of third party projects to ensure that *it works* as intended. List includes: * [rubato]( (outdated [fork]( * [minimp3-rs]( ([fork]( * [cpal]( * [creek]( *...


It would be nice to shrink a buffer's capacity after resizing it, like [std::vec::Vec::shrink_to_fit](

Currently, audio::wrap::Dynamic does not implement the ExactSizeBuf trait. I think it is the only buffer struct in audio that does not implement this trait. Rubato needs the number of frames...


I'm wondering if it could be helpful to add a struct like ```rust struct Topology { pub channels: usize, pub frames: usize, } ``` to pass to Buf::with_topology and ResizableBuf::resize_topology....

Two libraries I'm using quite frequently are `bstr`, and `bytes` (who's naming convention is borrowed here), and one of their decisions is to implement an [extension trait directly on types...
