Hello @jstamel , Is there any reason you cannot reuse the buffer instead? The new buffer allocation through the setting of the kernel arguments only possible current kernel execution is...
Thanks, you can probably send a PR that we can review for patching. Thanks
Hello, you are building XRT that is 3 years old (as you said xrt_2019.2). It is hard to get support for those old XRT release because things moves fast in...
Hi @simplelins , Buffer 4GB or larger is not supported through XRT. This is also written in the Vitis Documentation: https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ug1393-vitis-application-acceleration/Buffer-Creation-and-Data-Transfer . So please work with buffer less than 4Gb...
Hi @simplelins , the lines of code you are referring to simply creating the buffer, but creating the buffer is not the same as using the buffer. As I said...
This is not supported. Every application should have XCLBIN by itself and load it, that's the flow supported today.
We will update ug1393 to remove/deprecate OpenCL kernel development section.
This error is by design, we require signed XCLBIN after secure boot enabled