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Test trained model on single image
Hello ,
Is it possible to run the trained model on a single CT scan? I've tried loading the provided checkpoint and running inference on a single CT scan, but ran into a number of problem. But the most relevant one is that the net forward method expects a number of inputs, truth_bboxes, masks, etc. I've also tried using the eval_single function, so I assumed the model was ready to receive a single ct scan input.
I appreciate the attention.
I am sorry that we did not provide such a script. But there are ways for doing that.
One easy way is to set those arguments (truth_boxes, masks) to None. Those GT arguments are used only in training mode (
Thanks for answering! I did pass the first error, but the second got me confused. What is exactly the expected input of the network. Is it a scan patch or the whole scan for inference?
I tried passing a whole scan, but got this error: RuntimeError: Expected 5-dimensional input for 5-dimensional weight 24 1 3 3 3, but got 4-dimensional input of size [1, 100, 512, 512] instead
I'm so sorry to disturb you at all on this matter.
The input is the 3D CT scan. PyTorch expects a 5-dimensional input for volumetric data. So your input should be [batch_size, channel, depth, height, width]. You need to add one more dimension to your input, e.g. using torch.unsqueeze(tensor, 0)
Hello Tang, that helped, thanks a lot. I have a couple of follow up questions though:
I was able to run a forward pass, but got and GPU memory allocation error. I have a 1050Ti 4gb. How much memory is necessary to run a single scan?
I couldn't make it run on the CPU because of DataParallel, I´m not familiar of how to use it.
I was able to run only a single time, after that I got the following error without changing anything to the process, and I have no idea why. Would you happen to know something about this error? This is my input shape : [1,1,133,512,512]
comb2 = self.back2(, out2), 1))#64+64 RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 1. Got 33 and 32 in dimension 2 at C:/w/1/s/tmp_conda_3.6_171155/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1570813991702/work/aten/src\THC/generic/
Thank you again.
can you find the function average_precision()?
- We use 1080ti with 12GB as minimum requirement. The alternative is to generate input patches with fixed size (e.g. 12812812) using sliding window.
- You may need to modify the code in order to run on CPU. We only tested on GPU
- This error is because the size of each dimension of the input must be a multiply of 16, as we downsample the input volume 4 times