Jonathan Burkhardt
Jonathan Burkhardt
@kdoudrick Ok. I also reached out to the MTU group. I'll try to update things tomorrow. Thanks.
@kdoudrick Try searching for "password" in this repository. I found a few mentions throughout this repository with possible passwords. They are in some of the .bas files. If that doesn't...
@Atakheir Have you tried running the setup.exe in compatibility mode? I am also running 64bit Windows10 and was able to install ETDOT. I didn't have to run the setup in...
@kdoudrick Great. I'm glad that you were able to find those files. I'm going to leave this issue open in case someone else is looking for similar information.
@Atakheir If you have a different computer, please try that. I recall seeing a launcher screen, but I believe that moved through fairly quickly when I installed it on my...
@kdoudrick Thanks! Let's leave these here for the moment. I think these will help into the future and can be moved into the main repository as the various tools are...
@Atakheir Yes, you will likely have to fully unzip the file. Not just run the setup.exe from within winzip (or whatever unzipper you are using).
@Trallafitti Thanks for that information. @Atakheir Trying to reinstall might work. The IonExDesignS issues was a known issue, and is not related to the installation process. The fact that some...
@Atakheir - Please let me know how that goes. What type of Windows do you have? Home, Professional, Enterprise? Not really sure why that would matter, but just in case....
@Atakheir Unfortunately, I don't have a fix for the IonExDesignS issue. There are at least 2 issues in that problem, but to fix any of the modules basically requires a...