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I try to install ETDOT_1-0 on my computer. I unzipped the files and I run setup.exe but nothing happens. I have 64bit Windows 10! Is there anyone else with the same issue.
I run it with Administrator access and I don't have any firewall to block it.
@Atakheir Have you tried running the setup.exe in compatibility mode? I am also running 64bit Windows10 and was able to install ETDOT. I didn't have to run the setup in compatibility mode, but I can update the installation instructions if it worked for you.
Thanks, Johnathan, I tried the compatibility mode as well, but still, when I run setup.exe, it adds a task named "32-bit Setup Launcher " to my windows task manager but nothing happens after that. redownload the zip files, no luck.
I would try it on another computer then.
@Atakheir If you have a different computer, please try that. I recall seeing a launcher screen, but I believe that moved through fairly quickly when I installed it on my machine. Unfortunately, I don't have a second Win10 machine to try the installation on at the moment.
I tried to install it on another Win 10 64bit, and it does the same. Nothing comes up after running setup.exe.
Just to double-check, do I need to unzip "etdot_1-0.zip" and run "setup.exe"?
@Atakheir Yes, you will likely have to fully unzip the etdot_1-0.zip file. Not just run the setup.exe from within winzip (or whatever unzipper you are using).
I had the same problem with Windows 10 (64 bit). It turns out that the 32-bit setup launcher gets easily blocked by other programs. Analyze the wait chain in your task manager for the setup launcher and stop the processes that are shown there. Here's a step-by-step instruction.
@Trallafitti Thank you for the suggestion. There was a program (rundll32.exe) blocks the setup launcher. I end the rundll32.exe task and the installation continued.
I could install the ETDOT software but at the end of the installation I got this warning:
I pressed "okay" and the installation completed. however I couldn't run any of the software. I got different errors for different software (below). I tried different compatibility mode and I run all the softwares and the installation file with administration access.
after pressing continue:
DyeStudy, ASAP, and StEPP:
@Trallafitti Thanks for that information. @Atakheir Trying to reinstall might work. The IonExDesignS issues was a known issue, and is not related to the installation process. The fact that some of these work is odd. And you've selected the Windows98/Me compatibility mode for the ones that don't work?
@ucchejbb I reinstalled it a couple of times, but only Bioflilter and FaVOr work properly. To run each model, I have tried different compatibility modes, but none worked. next I would try a Win32bit to see if it helps.
@Atakheir - Please let me know how that goes.
What type of Windows do you have? Home, Professional, Enterprise? Not really sure why that would matter, but just in case. Thanks.
I have Win 10 Pro 64bit.
I tried it on Windows 7 and it worked. No issue with licencing and all the modules are working properly, except "IonExds". It returned
You mentioned it is a known issue, do you have any solution for it?
@Atakheir Unfortunately, I don't have a fix for the IonExDesignS issue. There are at least 2 issues in that problem, but to fix any of the modules basically requires a full update to new Visual Basic standard, which has not yet begun.
If you are interested in modeling ion exchange you may be interested in code found : https://github.com/USEPA/Water_Treatment_Models
This is not a fully developed GUI, but has code capable of predicting multi-component ion-exchange. It is a Python Based tool, so should be able to run on any computer that runs Python.