constellation copied to clipboard
report error when execute Minimal-Standalone Testing
I read Documentation: and follow the steps of
- Installing Espresso
- Installing Minimal-Standalone Then I git clone constellation and execute commands:
cd constellation
CONSTELLATION_STANDALONE=1 sbt "testOnly constellation.NoCTest00"
However,sbt report error:
Does the source code match the version of the documentation?How can I fix it and generate verilog succesfully?
Thanks,I have fixed it by execute
git checkout chisel356
I have encountered a new problem when execute commands:
cd constellation
CONSTELLATION_STANDALONE=1 sbt "testOnly constellation.NoCTest00"
It seems like verilator version is not compatible with constellation?
What version of verilator are you on?
What version of verilator are you on?
Ah I think the chiseltest support for the newer verilators has finally stopped.
You can try the installing with Chipyard path. That is guaranteed to work.
Ah I think the chiseltest support for the newer verilators has finally stopped.
You can try the installing with Chipyard path. That is guaranteed to work. You mean I should install Chipyard and then simulate by that method ?
I am going to try it.
Yes. Follow those directions
I meet the same problem,but I figure it out First, I run git checkout chisel365, this is my verilator version and build.sbt. verilator --version Verilator 4.218 2022-01-17 rev UNKNOWN.REV
name := "constellation" version := "0.1" scalaVersion := "2.13.10"
scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-language:reflectiveCalls", "-deprecation", "-feature" )
val standalone = sys.env.get("CONSTELLATION_STANDALONE").isDefined
// SNAPSHOT repositories libraryDependencies ++= (if (standalone) { Seq( "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "rocketchip" % "1.6.0", "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "cde" % "1.6.0", "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "rocket-macros" % "1.6.0", "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chiseltest" % "0.5.4" % "test" ) } else { Nil })
addCompilerPlugin("edu.berkeley.cs" % "chisel3-plugin" % (if (standalone) "3.5.6" else "3.5.6") cross CrossVersion.full)
import Tests._
Test / fork := true Test / testGrouping := (Test / testGrouping).value.flatMap { group => { test => Group(, Seq(test), SubProcess(ForkOptions())) } } concurrentRestrictions := Seq(Tags.limit(Tags.ForkedTestGroup, 72))