chiseltest copied to clipboard
Allow peeking internal signals
Resolution from chisel-dev 2/8: should be able to peek internal signals, optionally needing an annotation to avoid DCE
I have such problem these days, and I got an idea(a not pretty way to solve this), but technologically, it works, I wonder if there is any elegant way to do so?
At first, I tried to bore
signals directly to testFn
, it says
Error: Not in a UserModule. Likely cause: Missed Module() wrap, bare chisel API call, or attempting to construct hardware inside a BlackBox.
looks like I cannot create a NamedComponent
during the test
, it sounds reasonable. Then I choose using a wrapper to work around.
for example, here is my dut
class Dut extends MultiIOModule {
val internalWire = WireDefault(true.B)
I need to create another DutWrapper
like this,
class DutWrapper extends MultiIOModule {
val core = Module(new Dut)
val internalWire = IO(Output(core.internalWire))
// and bore them together:
BoringUtils.bore(internalWire, core.internalWire)
Then use DutWrapper
as dut
in testFn
test(new DutWrapper) { dut =>
val result = dut.internalWire.peek()
This is the only method I came up with to peek a internal signal without altering Dut
Yeah, so the test function runs on fully elaborated hardware, so you can't make modifications to the hardware during test execution.
You might be able to wrap your DUT in a anonymous top level module in test
that you can bore through, while also passing through the top-level IOs.
In the long(er) term I think the solution is just to add internal peek support, though I think there were some technical hurdles like naming.
Currently idea to do this implementation:
- annotate signal required to be peek/forced.
- use firrtl transform to add
/**verilator public**/
attributes, which need freechipsproject/firrtl#1172 - add chiseltester API to access these public signals.