
Results 5 comments of ucaszhu


> Hello :) I've been working on installing wholebrain on freshly installed ubuntu 18.04 and I wanted to offer an improvement to the [instructions](http://www.wholebrainsoftware.org/cms/installing-wholebrain-on-ubuntudebian/) on your website. > > 1....

> You dont need to compile opencv yourself. ROpenCVlite will do it for you. Greate,it works,thank you very much!

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/76214926/142760262-330c3e00-3624-452c-8eca-2534c12d8608.png) when i install it in the Ubuntu,after runing the command “make -j4”,i got this error,i do not how to do it ,Could you help me?