
Results 108 issues of alimeituan

Dear, Please release the right website for datasets, Thx

hi,dear what's the meaning of the sentence ? `data/RS/train.txt: each line is a training instance, in the form of user_history \t target_item_id \t label. user_history is a sequence of item_id,...

hi,dear well done will try to reproduce the rp btw,any metrics for the Recall term thx

哈喽,大佬好。 请教下数据集的标签是怎么来的,据我所知华工给的数据是很多人的评分,1~5,也不是1~10啊,怎么转成1~10的啊? 多谢

hi, for `No space left on device: '/home/xm1/.keras/models'` so I want to change the path of the model ``` /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/keras_applications/ UserWarning: The output shape of `ResNet50(include_top=False)` has been changed since...

哈喽,各位大佬, git clone后我下载ckpt放到./model/ 然后运行,结果死了,图片没反应,也不知道哪里错了。 图片读得正确,模型放的也对, `['1.jpg', '2.jpg']` ``` # Restore SSD model. ckpt_filename = './model/pyramidbox.ckpt' saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(isess, ckpt_filename) ``` 请教下这是为啥子?多谢 运行过程也没报错 ``` ['1.jpg', '2.jpg'] 2019-11-27 17:44:01.041820: I...

哈喽,大佬 我看您的[这个模型](用到了RNN,请问该模型是否能够落地在手机端,转换tflite中没有什么错误吗? 多谢!

Dear, Is there any steps when using python for the demo, Could you help me,Please? Thx

Dear, Could U help me to get the dataset , for I can't use Java. Is there any way ? Thanks

Dear Dalao, Thanks for your share, 讲国语, 历经千辛万苦终于下载好了aishell数据集,不过我发现你用的数据是aishell2,不知道有何区别? 我看了未来杯的官方提供的数据似乎也只有aishell了,没有2了 那么如何训练数据集呢? 首先要训练 这里有个with open(os.getcwd() + '/log/aishell2.log','r') as fobj: 但我发现log/下面也没有这个文件啊?大佬有没有这个文件啊? ![image]( 多谢!