
Results 108 issues of alimeituan

大佬你好! 请教下, `filename_queue=tf.train.string_input_producer(['stat.tfrecord'])` 结果如下 `WARNING:tensorflow:From :1: string_input_producer (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Queue-based input pipelines have been replaced by ``....

Dear, When I run the aubioonset.c, I find that No utils.h ,No parse_args.h SO where are the headers ? thx

hi,dear When I `$ python3 build_ext --inplace` ``` Warning: passing language='c++' to cythonize() is deprecated. Instead, put "# distutils: language=c++" in your .pyx or .pxd file(s) Compiling apt_evaluate_foldout.pyx because...

hi,dear have seen a paper [Bundle Recommendation with Graph Convolutional Networks ](,is it better than LightGCN ? also I see the name He , could it be open source ?

Hi, If I use the trained model, will I get the denoised wav in real time ? Thx

Dear, When I run, `~/denoise/segan# ./ -bash: ./ Permission denied` When I `sh` ` 23: popd: not found` So how to solve the problem ?

哈喽,各位大佬, 请教下有没有实际能用 的? 可以 [email protected]

hi,dear, wanna get the txt file ,if you could supply ,will be great. thx

hi, dear If I want to get the embedding features from the TSM pretrained model , could you please help me ? thx

hi,dear, for I have no the dataset, and I just want to use my own dataset ,then how to modify the code in [vid2img_kinetics](, or you can supply the usage...