
Results 5 issues of u0x01

memory leak in this case: 24.51MB 1.77% 20.68% 327.24MB 23.58% net/http.readRequest 258.23MB 18.61% 39.29% 283.23MB 20.41% net/textproto.(*Reader).ReadMIMEHeader ![leak](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9703404/42548853-d27e9c70-84fb-11e8-9cfa-90aa2177cdcd.png) see more: https://github.com/gorilla/sessions see more: https://pathbox.github.io/2017/05/27/find-the-reason-memory-leak/ Important Note: If you aren't using...


`DrawStringWrapped` break line by english space currently, is possible break line by the word width?`fontFace` should able to return width of each word.

许多 go package 都通过标准库 log 中的 Logger 输出日志,但可以设置 io.Writer 。 是否有可能通过虚拟出一个 io.Writer 来供标准库 log 中的 Logger 使用 ozzo-log 的相关特性(如过滤分流、日志标的等)?

installed on xcode 13 looks like not working.